Info Box
A so-called Info Box can be displayed above the images. You can add badges, cards and whole dashboard views to this box.
If you want to interact with the elements of the Info Box, as in the dashboard, you can set card_interaction
to true
For Badges you can use the same yaml config, as used in the Home Assistant Dashboard configuration (raw config).
Example for Badges:
For Cards you can also use the same yaml config.
Example (and default) for Cards:
- type: weather-forecast
entity: weather.home
show_forecast: true
forecast_type: daily
The cards and badges are positionend by a Grid_Layout.
- type: markdown
content: Card 1
width: 810px
grid-row: 1
grid-column: 1 / span 2
- type: markdown
content: Card 2
width: 400px
grid-row: 2
grid-column: 2
- type: markdown
content: Card 3
width: 400px
grid-row: 3
grid-column: 1
- type: markdown
content: Card 4
width: 400px
grid-row: 3
grid-column: 2

You can also display entire Dashboard Views in the info box.
The Views or Subviews you want to use can be referenced by their path
or title
For example, you can create a subview in your dashboard with the title Wallpanel
You can then reference the view in the wallpanel configuration:
The width of the view can be adjusted using CSS. The following example uses 80% of the available width of the viewport:
cards: []
- title: Wallpanel
width: 80vw
You can also make the content bigger if required. For example, enlarge it by 20 %:
- title: Wallpanel
transform: scale(1.2)
transform-origin: top center
Info Box animation
The info box, which contains the cards and badges, can be animated and moved around the screen using CSS animations. The following settings can be used to configure the animation:
info_animation_duration_x: How long it will take in seconds to move the info box from one end of the screen to the other in x-direction. If set to 0, animation in x-direction will be disabled.
info_animation_duration_y: Same as above, but in y-direction.
The style of the animation can be configured with info_animation_timing_function_x for x-direction and info_animation_timing_function_y for the y-direction using a CSS animation-timing-function.
Possible values are, for example, ease and linear. For details, please have a look at MDN - CSS animation-timing-function.
An example of a nice animated movement using the Easing function:
info_animation_duration_x: 30
info_animation_duration_y: 13
info_animation_timing_function_x: ease-in-out
info_animation_timing_function_y: ease-in-out
Be aware that animations increase CPU/GPU usage and power consumption.
A timing function that requires few resources is the step function (steps(<number-of-steps> [, <step-position> ])
You can play with the number of steps to achieve the desired result.
Here is one example in combination with duration settings:
info_animation_duration_x: 10
info_animation_duration_y: 20
info_animation_timing_function_x: steps(3, end)
info_animation_timing_function_y: steps(3, end)
In addition, it is possible to move the info box to a random position on the screen or around corners of the screen (ie. top left, bottom left, bottom right, top right, and so forth), at a fixed time interval.