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Media Info

You can show infos regarding the displayed media in the screesaver. The media info is available for Local Media Sources, Immich Integration and some image entities. Set the configuration opttion show_image_info to true to activate this feature.

The image info can be formatted by specifying HTML code in image_info_template. Placeholders like ${EXIF-tag-name} will be replaced with the corresponding EXIF tag value. See exif.js for available EXIF tag names.

If the EXIF data contains GPS location information and the fetch_address_data configuration is set to true, address data for the GPS coordinates will be fetched from The received address data can be used via placeholders in the form address.<attribute>. Available attributes are: country, country_code, county, municipality, postcode, region, road, state, city, town and village. See Nominatim Reverse Geocoding for details. Please respect the Nominatim Usage Policy.

If you specify multiple alternative values separated by a pipe symbol (|), the first available attribute is used.

A prefix and suffix string can be added for each placeholder. Prefix and suffix are not displayed if the placeholder value is empty.

For date values you can specify date format options. Each option must consist of an <option name>:<option value> pair. Multiple options must be separated by commas. Available option names are: year, month, day, weekday, hour, minute and second. Possible option values are: long, short, narrow, numeric and 2-digit. See toLocaleDateString options for details.

The image.relativePath placeholder is replaced with the pathname to the current image, relative to the image_url configuration parameter. image.url is the complete URL of the image, while image.path is the image path. image.folderName contains the name of the parent folder.


Display location and date

show_image_info: true
image_info_template: '<span style="color:#990000">//</span> ${||address.municipality!prefix=!suffix= // }${DateTimeOriginal!options=year:numeric,month:long,day:2-digit}'

Display image path

show_image_info: true
image_info_template: >-
    <span style="font-family: 'Roboto Condensed', sans-serif; font-size: 1em; font-weight: 400; color: #999;">

The CSS class wallpanel-screensaver-image-info can be used to style the image info. See section "Styles".