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Media sources

The media source for the screensaver slideshow is configured by image_url. This can be any HTTP URL, a Home Assistant media-source URL or a Home Assistant entity that has the entity_picture attribute.

The default value of image_url is${width}/${height}?random=${timestamp}.


Media can be retrieved from an HTTP URL.

The following variables can be used in HTTP URLs: - ${timestamp} = current unix timestamp - ${width} = viewport width - ${height} = viewport height

Example of using images from (old api):${width}x${height}?sig=${timestamp}

You can narrow down the images from using certain search terms, for example "fruit" and "beer".${width}x${height}?fruit,beer&sig=${timestamp}

Example of using images from (new api):

image_order: random
image_list_update_interval: 3600
show_image_info: true
image_info_template: '<span style="color:#990000">//</span> ${description|alt_description}'

See Unsplash API documentation (Get a random photo) for details.

Local Media Source

It is also possible to use images from the Home Assistant Local Media Source. See Home Assistant Media Source integration documentation for details.

If you are not sure which is the correct media source URL, you can proceed as follows:

  1. navigate to the folder you want to use in the HA Media Browser
  2. copy the displayed browser URL and decode it with a URL decoder tool. For example, you can use
  3. copy the part of the decoded URL after the last comma (,) that begins with media-source://.

Instead of using media-source://media_source/ as image_url you can just use / as a shortcut.

  • / = Images in all Local Media sources
  • /media1 = Images in the Local Media directory named media1
  • /media1/folder1 = Images in folder1 of the Local Media directory named media1

If you are using the Synology DSM integration, and want to use an Photo album from there you can use:


<unique_id> is the Home Assistant ID for the NAS (usually the serial number of the NAS).

For example:


Exclude files

To exclude files and directories from a local media source, the configuration option image_excludes can be used. A list of regular expressions is specified here.


  - '\.tif$'
  - '/@eaDir'

Entity with entity_picture attribute

If an entity has the entity_picture attribute you can use it as media source for the screensaver. To do this, set image_url to media-entity://<entity_id>, replacing <entity_id> with the entity's name. When the entity's status changes, a new image is automatically loaded. Additionally, a new image is loaded after the configured display_time has elapsed. If you prefer not to load a new image when the entity state remains unchanged, set media_entity_load_unchanged to false.


display_time: 15
image_url: media-entity://camera.my_camera_entity_id
media_entity_load_unchanged: true

With the entity_picture you can combine this integration with the Google Photos Integration extension from Daanoz to display your photos.


image_url: media-entity://camera.google_photos_favorites_media

See Google Photos Integration README for details.

Immich API

Images and videos can be loaded from an Immich server, for which wallpanel accesses the Immich API.

Immich server CORS

You must configure the Immich server so that it accepts API calls from external domains (CORS). Depending on your web server, the configuration will be different.

Here is a configuration example for nginx:

if ($request_method = 'OPTIONS') {
  add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' '*' always;
  add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods' 'GET, PUT, POST, DELETE, OPTIONS' always;
  add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers' 'X-Api-Key, User-Agent, Content-Type' always;
  add_header 'Access-Control-Max-Age' 1728000;
  add_header 'Content-Type' 'text/plain charset=UTF-8';
  add_header 'Content-Length' 0;
  return 204;
if ($request_method ~* '(GET|POST)') {
    add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' '*' always;
    add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods' 'GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS' always;
    add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers' 'X-Api-Key, User-Agent, Content-Type' always;
    add_header 'Access-Control-Max-Age' 1728000;


If you are using Nginx Proxy Manager add a custom location at root "/" and insert the configuration there.

For Traefik, you can use:

traefik.http.middlewares.immich-cors.headers.accessControlAllowMethods=GET, PUT, POST, DELETE, OPTIONS
traefik.http.middlewares.immich-cors.headers.accessControlAllowHeaders=X-Api-Key, User-Agent, Content-Type


For security reasons, it's best to specify a list of URLs in Access-Control-Allow-Origin rather than using *.


If you're coming from an internal IP, make sure your traffic is properly routed through the proxy rather than directly reaching the internal IP.
To prevent SSL errors, you'll likely need a router that supports NAT reflection.

Wallpanel configuration

To access the Immich API, first generate an API key.

Then you can configure WallPanel to use the Immich API. You need to set the image_url to immich+<your api url> and enter the API key in immich_api_key. With the config option immich_shared_albums (true / false) you can include or exclude shared albums. To restrict the images to be retrieved to specific albums, you can configure a list of album names in immich_album_names. Alternatively you can configure a list of tag names in immich_tag_names. With the config option immich_resolution (preview / original) you can select the resolution of the images.

Example using album names:

image_url: immich+https://immich.your.domain/api
immich_api_key: 0vOb7EZ7YSajUQckMt6Cbnri8Ifzo5dlD9Q5hnnXlc
immich_shared_albums: false
  - Tokio
  - New York
immich_resolution: preview

Example using tag names:

image_url: immich+https://immich.your.domain/api
immich_api_key: 0vOb7EZ7YSajUQckMt6Cbnri8Ifzo5dlD9Q5hnnXlc
  - Family
  - Friends
immich_resolution: original

Website as iframe

You can also display a website in an iframe. Just add the prefix iframe+ to the URL of the website you want to show:

For example:

image_url: iframe+


Not all websites can be used in an iframe. A website can set an X-Frame-Options HTTP header to prevent it from being used in an iframe.