Quick Start
After Installation you can enable wallpanel for a dashboard. To do this, add a wallpanel configuration to your Home Assistant dashboard configuration yaml (raw config).
- Navigate to the dashboard.
- Click Overview in your sidebar.
- Click the three dots menu (top-right) and click on Edit Dashboard.
- Click the three dots menu again and click on Raw configuration editor.
- Add the
configuration above anything else.
After saving and closing the dashboard configuration, WallPanel should now be active for this dashboard. The sidebar should be hidden and the screensaver should start after an idle time of 10 seconds.
You can add a view that is displayed above the screensaver images. Simply refer to an existing view of the dashboard by its title or path.
Or add individual cards. You can copy the cards yaml from the raw configuration of any dashboard.
enabled: true
views: []
- type: weather-forecast
entity: weather.open_meteo_home
forecast_type: daily
You can use Browser Mod to activate WallPanel on individual devices only. Replace <browser-id>
with the Browser ID from Browser Mod.
In the section Additional Resources you can find some articles and videos about WallPanel.