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WallPanel offers a screensaver that presents a media slideshow. Images, videos and websites are supported as media content.


If you click on the far right side of the screen while the screen saver is active, the next image will be displayed. A click on the left side shows the previous picture and reverses the playback order.

Screensaver entity

You can create an input_boolean helper in HA and set screensaver_entity to this entity id. When the screensaver starts this input_boolean will be set to on and to off when the screensaver stops. It is also possible to start and stop the screensaver by changing this input_boolean.

You can use the screensaver entity in an automation to switch the screensaver on and off. For example, if you want to turn off the screensaver when a motion sensor detects movement, you can do this:

  1. Create an Switch Helper (input_boolean) in HA, name it kitchen_wallpanel_screensaver for example.
  2. Set the screensaver_entity in the wallpanel configuration:
      screensaver_entity: input_boolean.kitchen_wallpanel_screensaver
  3. Create an automation in HA that turns off the entity input_boolean.kitchen_wallpanel_screensaver to disable the screensaver:
    - action: input_boolean.turn_off
        entity_id: input_boolean.kitchen_wallpanel_screensaver


If you have several wallpanels, you should use a separate Switch Helper (input_boolean) for each wallpanel. You can use Configuration placeholders or Profiles for this.

Tracking the current displayed media in an entity

You can create an input_text helper in HA and set the configuration option image_url_entity to this entity id. Make sure that the maximum length is not too short so that the image URL fits in. When the screensaver changes the active image, the URL of the new image is stored in this entity.